This website/blog is about living your life to the fullest. It's about grabbing every ounce of sunshine there is along the way,  to get the brain move and help you realizing how great you really are,  to realize are you really where you want to be in life.

I have been told numerous times if there were two ways to do something, I would take the hard way. The advantage you learn - along the way is that there is more than one way to skin a cat.  Don't let life's hard spots destroy your heart or your personal magic.)

Some of my adventures in life have taken me through some pretty dark valleys, and I hope to share the wisdom gained,  so others will have more tools to fight their battles. 

I am also a collector of quotes, friends have repeatedly told me I need to share my stories and quotes because they have a bit of wisdom in all of them.

Of, course momma taught us,. sharing is fun and we've shared a little bit of everything here. And you are welcome to share in return.  All contributions are welcome. 

Share your ideas and comments welcome

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