With over 40 years of sales, owning five businesses, 30 years in management and doing business consulting since 1982, I thought I would share some of the wisdom I have gathered over the years with you. Some of the concepts that have worked well for small business and big. They are not beaten in stone but concepts, ideas I hope might be helpful to you
How many caps do you wear?
If you are a small business owner, that count can be really high. You can be everything from owner to bookkeeper, CEO to janitor. It's hard to have all the right answers We hope to give a little insight along the way.
One business I did consulting with had a blast with this concept. He figured by the time he was the owner, CEO, the bookkeeper, HR, the janitor, the stocker, the yards man, receiving, delivery boy, sales clerk and repairman for his business. That 12 hats. "No wonder I'm tired at the end of the day." It made him feel better about himself and all he was doing in a day. Give yourself credit. You are the rock. 2/4/25

Thoughts on hiring better employees
I wish I could remember what president it was. I am thinking it was Teddy Roosevelt. He said to be successful as a leader you had to surround yourself with people who were skilled at the things you were weak at. Everyone has their strength. Make the people working with you stroke and let them do what they are best at while you do what you do best. 2/25/25
Somewhere a long the way, I picked this up. When taking applications for a job. I ask give them a piece of paper and a pen and write down how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - there is no wrong answer. Why? You can discover a lot of things. Some will start at the cabinet and are very detailed oriented. Some as if the ingredients is on the counter. (So you see how well l thought out that employee is going to be.) You discover if they can spell. How well they form sentences. How well they can get their ideas across. Go ahead and try it a time or two you will be amazed how much a simple thing can do to assist you in getting the best person for t he job. 3/4/25
Quick Budgeting Tricks

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